is reporting via a separate report from that TNA Wrestling is being sued by former employees Eric Bischoff, Jason Hervey, and Garrett Bischoff.

The breach-of-contract lawsuit alleges that Hervey and Eric, the owners and operators of Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment, are owed a total of $101,500 by TNA Wrestling, which was owed to them for the time period of January 2015-March 2015. Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment alleges that the promotion neglected to pay them this amount of money for their role as executive producers of Impact Wrestling. Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment had a “pay or play” stipulation in their contract with TNA Wrestling, meaning that the promotion was supposed to pay them whether TNA Wrestling utilized their services or not. According to the contract, Hervey and Eric were contracted to receive an annual amount of $426,800 each for their roles as executive producers of Impact Wrestling.

In the case of Garrett Bischoff, he alleges that he is owed a total of $13,000.02 from the time period of October 2014-March 2015. Similar to his father and Hervey, Garrett also had a “pay or play” stipulation in his contract with TNA Wrestling. It is noted in the report that before he was signed to an independent contract with TNA Wrestling, Garrett’s employment with the promotion was part of the initial deal with Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment. The report further states that Garrett was given a guarantee of receiving $2,166.67 per month, along with an additional $500 for wrestling.

The original story also states that Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment and Garrett Bischoff were being paid on time by TNA Wrestling all the way through September 2014; however, the company began to fall behind on their payments, which led to Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment filing a separate breach-of-contract lawsuit. TNA Wrestling paid them a total of another $101,500 in January 2015, but have not made any further payments since then.

It is further noted that Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment came to TNA Wrestling in 2010 when Hulk Hogan joined the promotion. In September of 2013, Eric Bischoff was removed from the promotion’s creative team and sent home, while Hervey remained with TNA Wrestling until the end of the promotion’s run with SpikeTV.
