
Switching a face to a heel can be an extremely effective way to elicit a pronounced fan reaction and to set the stage for a successful subsequent feud.  Having said that, when you’re orchestrating a heel turn, it needs to be done well, otherwise it’s unlikely to get over.

As a rule, when the promotion is planning to have a face switch to heel, it’s important to have the face (or faces) really over (popular) before they switch.  It’s also necessary to have the victim and the perpetrator perceived to be trusted friends beforehand, so there’s a tangible sense of shock and outrage from the fans  – the old et tu Brut syndrome (when supposed best friend Brutus betrayed Caesar, in Shakespeare’s classic tragedy.)

That said, after having watched the recent double cross, with Nikki and Brie Bella, turning on supposed friend, Ronda Rousey, I had decidedly mixed perspectives about the whole charade.

First off, when you’re having friends betray another friend or partner, it’s critical for them to have been perceived to have been long and trusted friends, who have gone to war together and overcome adversity in the past.  Not to be casting aspersions, but to the best of my recollection, Ronda and the Bellas didn’t really have much of a long and close relationship to begin with.  I can’t recall them ever having tag teamed, cut promos together or doing much of anything in the past, which tended to minimize the reaction when they screwed Ronda.

Image result for ronda rousey and nikki bella

It also didn’t serve much purpose that, despite being faces, the Bellas weren’t really all that loved or passionately supported by the fans.  In addition to that, Ronda – even though she’s been cast as a face, hasn’t really been taken to heart that much by the fans, either.  For all intents and purposes, she’s been primarily cast as, an impersonal, cold blooded one woman wrecking crew from the UFC  – which, correct me if I’m wrong,  hasn’t really cast her as a strong babyface, nor has it, therefore, translated into much of an emotional reaction from the fans when she was betrayed.  That, I might add should have been one of the main objectives when they were hatching this whole storyline.

Making matters worse is the fact that Nikki and Brie are married to two of the more popular faces in the WWE , John Cena and Daniel Bryan – neither of whom, as far as I know, have been included in the storyline.  That seems kind of confusing and counter-productive, to my way of thinking.  All things considered, Cena or Bryan should have, at the very least, cut a promo, rendering an explanation or their opinion – either supporting or criticizing their wives, for their heinous transgressions.

Beyond all  of that, I found myself also questioning the wisdom of having Nikki and Brie switching to heels, because it takes a very pronounced skill set and various intangibles – including the ability to generate heat, take bumps, cut compelling promos and whatnot to be a great heel.   Not to be cynical, but from what I’ve seen thus far, I have doubts that either of them have the wherewithal to really get over, as hard core heels.  Having said that, I would seriously consider having some certified heel type mouthpiece, such as Paul Heyman, or perhaps even Cena or Bryan, if they chose to turn heel, talking on their behalves.

All things considered, there probably would have been a lot more outcry and potential business if Rousey had been the one who had double crossed the Bellas and had been converted into a cold-blooded, ruthless Stone Cold Steve Austin heel type destroyer.

Having said all of that, I, nonetheless, still think that if they make a few well considered adjustments, the powers that be in the WWE booking department can still salvage the Bellas vs. Rousey storyline.  I’ll be watching with interest.

On that note, I’ll call this a wrap but will look forward to catching up with  you all next time.

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