Dan Gelston of the Associated Press sat with Dixie Carter to discuss TNA’s debut on Pop TV, the goals moving forward, and the perception of TNA. The piece notes how TNA has been criticized in the past of recruiting former WWE stars, but how recently, names such as Samoa Joe, Bully Ray, and Sting have all shown up on WWE programming.

“We’ve always been criticized about taking WWE talent and I think it’s pretty interesting how the roles have been reversed. Our competitors, our competition have been after our talent.” – Dixie Carter

After the piece mentions James Storm’s return to TNA on their Impact debut on Pop TV, Dixie continued:

“A lot of times they come back. The grass isn’t always greener and what we have here is very special.”

Dixie was also asked about the future plans for TNA in terms of presentation and storylines:

“We’re trying to get back to more real things, things that come from a place that doesn’t seem fake or scripted or robotic.” – Dixie Carter

Source: BigStory.AP.org

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Been a wrestling fan for almost 30 years. I've seen Hulkamania, The New Generation, The NWO, the Attitude Era, and the PG Era, and I've enjoyed all of it in different ways. I still remember standing on the guardrail at ten years old and having it fall over in front of Razor Ramon. I was there live when The Undertaker abducted Stephanie McMahon, and I was there when The Rock surprised the entire TD Garden at a house show. Recently been getting into a lot of independent wrestling, especially in the Northeast. I follow WWE, NXT, TNA, ROH and NJPW, among others, but mainly only watch WWE/NXT religiously. I'll probably be more positive about WWE than you, and I'm OK with that.