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#5. Invest in the Tag Team Division 


2015 proved that things are looking better than ever for the Tag Team division. For years and years Tag Team wrestling was not a focus of the WWE. Once in a blue moon we got a title match but that has changed. Very similar to the Divas Division, the WWE has shifted its booking of the Tag Team Division. With teams like The Usos, Lucha Dragons, The New Day, Gable and Jordan, Dash and Dawson, Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy the division looks bright and is in good hands.

So, what has made all these teams great?

The simple answer to this question is the chemistry. The circle of the same challengers over and over again was terrible. That is why we should get a couple of Tag Teams from the Indy world. We have been accustomed to seeing a bunch of new blood lately, how about we get a duo that has been around each other and had success.

I am not sure about the contract situations but if they could grab a couple of teams like reDRagon, The Hooligans, The Young Bucks or The Wolves, they could push the tag team division over the edge.

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