UPDATE: We have removed nude photos of Paige from our Twitter. I have also personally witnessed a clip of her sex tape. The clip was 100% real. For what it’s worth, she looks amazing in all of these photos and video leaks, but that doesn’t make it right. We hope this issue is resolved.

ORIGINAL STORY: It’s quite difficult to report on matters like this without solid confirmation, but all signs point to WWE Superstar Paige having a few nude photos released online and a possible sex tape.

We have two nude photos, acquired by fans that have sent them our way. You can find them on Twitter. We have removed them from our account.

Also, we have acquired screen caps of a possible sex tape, which we will not be posting until any piece of until we can confirm it’s validity.

Furthermore, we have received unsubstantiated rumors that Paige’s ex-boyfriend, musician Kevin Skaff from the band “A Day To Remember”, may be responsible for the leaks. However, word is coming out that this may just be an anonymous cloud hack.