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Use your ← → (arrow) keys to browse is happy to announce the “Greatest Ever Series,” where we’ll rank a wide range of topics from the world of professional wrestling. The first will be a list of the Top 50 Wrestlers of all time.

Members of the PWP Nation staff and community put together their own collective lists, which was then infused into one solidified list. From all walks of life, young and old, long-time to recent fans, we feel like we have a very accurate and precise list that can represent the greatest performers and wrestlers of all time.

This list will feature current stars like John Cena and Daniel Bryan, to old school legends like Bruno Sammartino, Andre The Giant, Lou Thesz, and stars from the most popular time in wrestling, the “Attitude Era,” like ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels and The Rock.

The following names are the members who helped contribute to the final list:

  • Eron Ramadanov, Editor-in-Chief of 
  • Jay Alletto, Owner & Founder of
  • Zak Fellows, Senior Staff Writer
  • Matt Burgess, Featured Writer 
  • Brennan Daly, Featured Writer
  • Tim Bell, Featured Writer & News Reporter
  • John “JCD” Dimiceli, Senior Staff Writer 
  • Zack Heydorn, Featured Staff Writer & Host of “The Bottom Line” on PWP Nation Radio
  • Chris Baker, Staff Writer 
  • Nick Ohrn, PWP Nation Community Member 
  • Mike Roche, PWP Nation Community Member 
  • Stephen Ajamie, PWP Nation Community Member 
  • Ford Fischer, PWP Nation Community Member 
  • Ron Adams, PWP Nation Community Member 
  • Matthew Hollie, PWP Nation Community Member 

Along with these names, we received several other anonymous lists.

One of the biggest questions we’ve been asked is how the members of the PWP Nation universe put together their respective lists. When posing this task to them, we asked them to take into account everything that can be considered when trying to analyze a wrestler/performer:

  • In-ring abilities
  • Microphone/promo skills
  • Drawing power/merchandise sales
  • Longevity 
  • Name recognition 
  • Influence on the business
  • Intangibles

Obviously, we can’t confirm that people didn’t place their own personal bias into their respective lists, but we feel like because there were so many entries, the margin for error is small. Also, we asked our contributors to take into account the different eras. For example, it’s hard to compare someone like Lou Thesz against someone like John Cena. Both great in their respective eras, but two completely different performers.

The Top 50 list will be released in several parts:

  • #50-41: READ HERE
  • #40-31: READ HERE
  • #20-11 will be released on Tuesday (5/17)
  • #1o-6 will be released on Tuesday (5/24) 
  • #5-1 will be released on Tuesday (5/31) 

Each part of the list will have analysis and explanations from the staff and members on why they placed a certain performer where they did and why they should be higher or lower on the overall list.

To stay tuned and up-to-date with all the postings of the Top 50 Wrestlers of All Time, follow us on Twitter @PWPNation and check us out at

So, here’s numbers 30-21

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